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'Uw Rijk Kome' Group exhibition with Philippe Robeyns, Bert Timmermans, Cathérine Claeyé and others in the Pastorij of the ... church, Margraevelei in Antwerp.





'Artijulii Group exhibition at Krakeslottet Regional Art Center, Senja Island, Norway


'Life will be great soon' Group exhibition with ..., Sacha Eckes and ... in Ruimte ... in Antwerp, 03/2017





'Your Absence Was Noted', group exhibition curated by Gaston


Antwerp Tower, with (ao) Narcisse Tordoir, Faridah Moumouh, Kris Gevers, Isabel Tesfazghi, ...)


'Bozar de l'Abbatoir', group exhibition curated by Fred Michiels, Exit 11, Grand-Leez, Belgium


Any Place is a Work Place, group exhibition with Agnes Nagygyörgy, Bert Timmermans, Philippe Robeyns, in Project Space Tilburg. Invited by Riet Van Gerven and SEA Foundation Tilburg, The Netherlands


“ATC” Group exhibition at the initiative of Barry Camps and Charlotte Lybeer, auction for the benefit of refugee work.




'Bozar de l'Abbatoir', group exhibition curated by Fred Michiels, with (ao) Wannes Lecompte, Francis Denys, Laure Forêt, Michel Vaerewijck, ..


'WorkPlace shows WorkPlace', group exhibition with Agnes Nagygyorgy, Bert Timmermans, Freija Van Esbroeck, Philippe Robeyns; WorkPlace, Antwerp





'Alpine Club Boechout', group exhibition with Benoit Felix, Roeland Tweelinckx, Jean Bernard Koeman, Koen Broucke, Hallveig Agustsdottir, Stefan Peters, Charlotte Lybeer, among others.


'Inside of an Outside', double solo exhibition with Cara Tomlinson (USA), WorkPlace, Antwerp


'Drawing Rooms', group exhibition with, among others, Fred Bervoets, Ronny Delrue, Mario Debrabandere, Karin Arink, Fred Michiels; PAK, Gistel.


'Traffic # 1', group exhibition by SECONDroom Antwerp, Antwerp Central Station


'Drawings +', group exhibition with ao. Koen Broucke, Hallveig Agustsdottir, Henk Delabie, Hendrik Vermeulen, Christiaan Kuitwaard; Light Cube Gallery, Ronse.




'Nature Unfinished', group exhibition with ao Joris Ghekiere, Stefan Peters, Cathérine Claeyé, Franky Michielsen, Griet Vanhumbeeck, Agnes Nagygyörgy; WorkPlace, Antwerp


'WorkPlace in Red Fish Factory', group exhibition with Bert Timmermans, Agnes Nagygyorgy, Freija Van Esbroeck, Philippe Robeyns; Red Fish Factory, Antwerp


'IDentiteit', group exhibition in WorkPlace, Antwerp. Composed by Freija Van Esbroeck, including Tina Schott, Laure Forêt.


Curator, 'Urban Landscape', group exhibition; WorkPlace, Antwerp




Curator, 'Crossing Lines', drawing show in WorkPlace, Antwerp


Transparent Darkness, group exhibition, WorkPlace, Antwerp


Opening exhibition WorkPlace, Antwerp, with Agnes Nagygyorgy, Bert Timmermans, Freija Van Esbroeck, Philippe Robeyns.


Co-founder of WorkPlace, an artist collective and experimental space for contemporary art in Antwerp. With Agnes Nagygyörgy, Freija Van Esbroeck, Philippe Robeyns and Bert Timmermans.


2011 Biennial for Contemporary Art, Pouke (B)


2010 Solo show, Ruimte Remmelinck, Delft (NL)


2009 'Ten Artists, Three weekends, one house' group show, Kardinaal Mercierlei, Antwerp (B)


2002 Faculty show of the Academy of Fine Arts, De Warande, Turnhout (B)


1994 'Working from Life' group show, The Workplace Gallery, Portland, OR (USA)




'The Drawing Show' group show, The Workplace Gallery Portland, OR (USA)


Master of Fine Arts Graduate Show, Museum of Fine Arts, Eugene, OR (USA)




'Above, About, Beyond, Between' group show, LaVerne Krause Gallery, Eugene, OR (USA)


The Graduate Show, LaVerne Krause Gallery, Eugene, OR (USA)


1991 '


The Graduate Show, LaVerne Krause Gallery, Eugene, OR (USA)




The Graduate Show, LaVerne Krause Gallery, Eugene, OR (USA)


Selection of the graduates of Art Schools in Flanders, Bank Brussels Lambert, Kortrijk (B)


'Four of the Academy', Galerie Bureaux et Magasins, Ostend (B)



1990-1993 Master of Fine Arts, painting, University of Oregon, Eugene, OR (USA)

1987-1990 Department of Fine Arts, painting, KASK Gent

1985 - 1987 Department of Fine Arts, Painting, KASK Antwerpen



1992    Jan Zach Award        University of Oregon, Eugene, OR (USA) 

1991    Jan Zach Award        University of Oregon, Eugene, OR (USA)


1990     Prijs voor werk in olieverf  KASK, Ghent (B)


             Prijs Horlait Dapsens (Artistieke stichting Mathilde E. Horlait Dapsens), KASK, Ghent (B)


             Selectie laureaten hoger kunstonderwijs in Vlaanderen, Bank Brussel Lambert, Kortrijk (B)


             Ina McLung Scholarship, University of Oregon (USA) 


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