In which is talked about the new opportunity to support me and my project with a donation through supporting membership, sponsorship or mecenate, and how that support is not only heartwarming for me, but also makes it possible for me to dedicate all my time and energy to A Biosphere Project.
“Time is money says the proverb, but turn it around and you get a precious truth: money is time.”
George Gissing

Dear readers and followers of A Biosphere Project,
Those who have been following me for some time know that about four years ago I decided to quit my practice as a visual artist to devote myself to the intensifying ecological meta-crisis we find ourselves in. I announced my project at the time in my statement of intention, which you can read here.
Some of you know that I have now followed that up by also taking a leave of absence from my teaching assignment in art education as of this academic year, and this in order to really devote myself full-time to research and writing and preparing for a photographic travel project.
I feel very good about that decision, and I am more motivated than ever to continue on this path, deepening my research and building the project.
Of course, this choice has financial implications: unpaid leave is... not paid.
I was of course well aware of that consequence, and anticipated it by drawing up a plan on how I will pay the bills in the time ahead.
I do not intend to make myself dependent on anyone or anything, but I also want to give people the opportunity to support me and my project with a donation, if they find my work important or valuable. I myself have been supporting multiple organizations and individuals with monthly donations or memberships for many decades, and I have always found that to be one of the valuable ways in which we can all contribute to a different world.
Now that I have become an “activist” of sorts myself (a word I don't like and that I believe to cause more misunderstandings than it clears up), but I'll use it for the sake of convenience now), I also find myself on “the other side” of that process, and I also want to give myself the opportunity to receive support from people who appreciate my work.
It's not an obvious step to take, and so I spent quite some time thinking about ways in which this could be done practically. I consulted with organizations and individuals who accept donations or offer some form of supportive membership. And I had to overcome all sorts of conscious or unconscious judgments on asking for support - judgments that are often deeply rooted in our culture.
I was reminded of a blog post by Julia Butterfly Hill, the famous American activist who lived for two years on a tiny platform high in a century-old redwood to protect it from the company that wanted to cut down the tree. I wrote about Julia and her action in musings 'Julia and Luna, the Power of One', and 'Julia and Luna, Sacred Activism (Part Two)'
In her blog post, Julia indicated that she felt compelled to ask for some form of monetary compensation for certain types of work that she had hitherto done mostly for free, such as lecturing.
In doing so, she asked her readers to provide her with “green energy”. A funny play on words, because she was not referring to electricity from wind or sun, but to dollars. Dollar bills are green, hence.
That's a joke, but nevertheless, I hereby also take the step of giving the readers and followers of A Biosphere Project the opportunity to support me with a one-time or periodic donation. And to support me with a form of energy, because money is that as well. Energy that can help me give my full attention to my work, my research, and the writing of the blog and a book, and the future photographic travel project.
Periodic donations give me the most security, and allow me to plan further ahead. But of course, any donation or gift is appreciated and accepted in thanks. Every donation is a heartwarming token of appreciation to me, but moreover also a backing that makes my work possible. The periodic donations turn that into a commitment that provides ongoing support in my project, and a kind of stability on my path.
I have created a 'support page' on the website of A Biosphere Project, where people who want to contribute can choose from some formulas to support me.
In addition to the one-time donation, there are three forms of periodic donation:
1 The supporting membership
2 The sponsorship
3 The mecenate
On the support page, which you can view here you will find all the information about these options.
With each form of recurring donation or membership, you become part of what can become a “community” of donors, with opportunities for Zoom meetings to exchange ideas, provide feedback or support other initiatives.
With each of the above formulas to support me with and periodic donation, you also have the option to pay the membership for an entire year.
People who choose to enter into the sponsorship or mecenate can choose three or six photo prints, respectively, from the donor photo gallery, which you can view here.
The photos in the gallery are all part of my photographic work from 2005 to the present.
The photo prints are made for Europe by Whitewall, size 20cm by 30cm, with a 1cm white border. They will be sent to your home upon receipt of payment for your sponsorship or mecenate. After one year, you will have the option to choose three or six photos again from the gallery.
If you live in another part of the world, I work with another print service closer to you.
Some examples of photos on the donor-page
People who choose to subscribe for a sponsorship or mecenate will be offered the opportunity to participate once a year in a meeting at the SoL Retreat Center, the house in the Hungarian countryside where my partner Agnes teaches her courses in an idyllic setting surrounded by nature and tranquility. During these meetings there is room for the exchange of ideas regarding ecology, activism, spirituality and all related topics, in addition to enjoying the surroundings and the company.
The SoL Retreat Center in Hungary
It is my goal to continue with the project regardless of whether any or how many people become donors. But any reader or follower who decides to become a supporting member, sponsor or mecenas will be helping me in an important way to dedicate all my time and energy to A Biosphere Project.
That project has also evolved since I announced my intentions in 2020.
Therefore, I have created a new scroll menu in the website menu around the different aspects of what I am currently doing.
The travel project has shifted somewhat in time, partly because of events in our personal lives over the past few years, and partly because my intentions have evolved as my research for that travel project has taken on a life of its own. I said it in my aforementioned statement of intention: it will be a journey in consciousness, and I don't know where that journey will take me.
The research for the journeys has already taken me into realms I hadn't immediately suspected would come my way. Soon you can expect a blog post about this, about how my intentions are evolving, and what that means for the future of A Biosphere Project. For now, you can take a look at the different sections of that new menu.
If you would like to support A Biosphere Project, you can go to the support page by clicking this link , or by clicking on the support button at the bottom of this post, or via the menu at the top of the website.
Thank you in advance for reading, and I look forward to continuing to provide you with information and perspectives regarding the meta-crisis, the possible paths to a more beautiful world, and a renewed alliance with the living being we are a part of, our biosphere.
Thanks for reading, until the next installment,
All the best to you,