Dear readers and followers of A Biosphere Project
I had a lot of posts planned for the coming weeks and months, both for the regular blog and for the "Musings," but suddenly I realized that it is summer.
I could be forgiven for realizing that a little late - we have had the coldest and wettest spring in ages in Belgium, and even now summer is having a difficult time breaking through the cloud cover. 'There' I say, because by now I am in my second homeland of Hungary, where it is very warm indeed.
But with that somewhat belated insight also came the realization that I have some need for the good old concept of vacation.
Vacation in the sense of: sitting under a tree with a book, swimming, and even doing nothing for a change.
Concepts I need to re-acquaint myself with, after a couple of years of very intense immersion in research and writing.
So I have decided to actually take a real vacation and devote some time to listening to the trees, feeling the grass between my toes, and watching butterflies and birds and all sorts of creatures that live here under, on, or above the ground.
I will also take advantage of this time to reconnect to source, and make new plans for the future.
So to be continued, and sometime in August you will hear from me again.
It is already clear that the frequency of the “Musings and Meditations” will decrease somewhat, to about two per month rather than every week. I will spend more time preparing for the travel project, and exploring the possibility of a book.
Until then, I wish you, dear readers, a wonderful summer,
All the best,